Bootcamp Links

Bootcamp Schedule

12/4IntroductionSlidesPython Crash Course
22/11Intro to Python / WebscrapingBeginner Slides
Intermediate Slides
Beginner Deepnote
32/18Pandas ISlidesDeepnote
42/25Pandas II
53/4Visualizations (Matplotlib and Seaborn)
63/11Guest Speaker!
3/18Cancelled for Spring Break
84/1Data Justice
94/8Work Session and Content Team Check-In
104/15Extra Session
114/22Work Session and Content Team Check-In
4/27Projects Due
124/29Demo Day!

Tip: If you're ever confused, feel free to reach out to any board member on Slack! You can also send a message to #bootcamp-s25 directly!

Administrative Links (To Be Updated)

Bootcamp Requirements

  • Our Bootcamp is completion-based (with no experience required). This means that as long as you attend bootcamps, complete a project, and publish it, you will become a HODP member!
  • All Bootcampers are given one no-questions-asked skip, to use your skip, please fill out the absence form above!
  • If you find yourself needing more than one absence, please reach out to board via or on Slack.

More info on bootcamp projects will be released later!

Project Information

  • Bootcamp projects are a chance for you to apply everything you've learned and to answer a data-oriented question (Harvard-related or not) that you're curious about!
  • Projects are completed in groups of two to four, if you don't already have a group -- that's alright! We'll pair you up with people based on your interests.
  • A project involves writing both an article and creating a 3-minute presentation for our Demo Day(s) (this is usually a great day involving food and Nick Sinai live-tweeting the event)! More info about project finalization steps will be released soon. For more information on requirements for the article, see the links in Project Resources!

Project Schedule (Tentative)

Coming soon!